Looker Source

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Source Info
  • The Looker Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

This source is supported in US data processing regions.

The Looker source is only supported in workspaces configured to process data in the US region. Workspaces configured with data processing regions outside of the US cannot connect to this source. For more information, see Regional Segment.

Looker is a business intelligence software platform that helps you explore, analyze and share real-time business insights easily. Create custom cohorts of customers in Looker’s powerful and flexible exploration tool and pass your analysis into your marketing tools for activation and engagement using the Looker Source in Segment.

Getting Started

To enable the integration service in Looker, contact your account representative. They will walk you through the implementation on the Looker side.

From Segment’s end, you will need to create a Looker source, and copy your write key into the Looker integration admin settings.

Defining Looks

Using this Source, Looker sends Look (query) results into Segment as identify calls. Any user trait that you include as a column in your Look will be included as a user trait on these identify call.

NOTE: Segment doesn’t support arrays. Segment supports properties that are strings or numbers.

When you set up your Look and generate new user traits (column names), avoid using trait names that may already exist in your marketing tools. If you create a new user trait in Looker (e.g. “churn risk”) and that trait already exists in your tools, syncing the user profile to the downstream tool overrides the existing trait value with the new one.

Below is an example of a cohort of users in Looker who have been active on toastmates.com (example website) at least once in the last 30 days.


Below is an example of the identify() call Looker will send to Segment for the first user in the Look shown above:

  "type": "identify",
  "traits": {
    "name": "Ty Arthur",
    "email": "ty.arthur@segment.com",
    "sessions count": 2
  "userId": "00MWWFOLRcETcTCf"

Rename fields

If you don’t like the formatting of field names as they appear in Segment, you can use Table Calculations to create a new version of the field with the desired name. Then you can hide the original field from the table visualization.

Send Looks to your Segment Destinations

Customer identifiers to include The end goal of using the Looker Source is to trigger actions in your marketing tools, or Segment Destinations. These Destinations require either a userId or an email with an identify() call. To err on the side of caution, we recommend including userId and email whenever possible.

Below is a chart of all the server side Destinations that will accept identify() calls from Looker and any required identifiers you must pass through. Be sure to include the required trait(s) when setting up your Look, otherwise your user profiles will not make it into your Segment Destinations.

Supported destinations

Destination Email UserId Either Special Note
aboardly   X    
activecampaign   X    
amazon-kinesis   X*   *or anonymousId
amazon-kinesis-firehose     X  
amplitude   X    
braze (previously appboy)   X    
appcues   X    
attribution   X    
autopilothq   X    
blueshift X X    
calq   X*   *or anonymousId
castle   X    
chameleon   X    
clearbit-enrichment X X    
clientsuccess   X    
convertro   X    
customer.io X X    
delighted X X    
drift   X    
drip X      
eloqua X      
freshsales   X    
gainsight     X  
goedle   X    
gosquared   X    
heap   X    
help-scout X      
hubspot X      
hull   X    
indicative     X  
infinario   X    
intellimize   X    
intercom     X  
iron.io     X  
iterable                         X                                                                                                                                    
kahuna     X  
kissmetrics   X*   *or anonymousID
klaviyo X      
knowtify X      
leanplum   X    
lytics     X  
madkudu X      
mailchimp X      
marketo-v2     X *You must create the custom traits in Marketo and map it in your integation settings before sending the look
mixpanel   X    
natero     X  
nudgespot X      
onesignal   X    
outbound   X    
pardot X*     *you need to put the pardot field you’d like to be the unique identifier in your Pardot destination settings
planhat   X    
pointillist   X    
promoter.io X X    
ramen   X    
relay   X    
responsys     X  
sailthru   X    
salesforce X      
salesforce-marketing-cloud   X    
salesmachine       *account_uid
satismeter   X    
seg X      
sendwithus   X    
slack     X  
smyte   X    
totango   X*   *Also requires context.groupId
tractionboard   X    
tray.io     X  
treasure-data     X  
tune X      
vero   X    
webhooks     X  
whale-alerts X      
wigzo X      
woopra   X*   *or cooke set in destination settings
zaius X      
zendesk X*     *Also requires a name trait

This page was last modified: 27 Oct 2023

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