Intercom Source

Source Info
  • The Intercom Source is an Object Cloud source. This means that it sends information (traits) about a thing that exists and persists over time, such as a person or company, and which can be updated over time. Data from this source can only be exported directly to a warehouse, but it can then be used for further analysis. Learn more about cloud sources.

Intercom is a customer platform with a suite of products for live chat, marketing, feedback, and support. With Intercom you will be able to send targeted messages to the right people at the right time, manage conversations with leads and customers at scale and create, organize, and publish articles to help people get answers to their questions and get started with your app.

Take your company’s email analysis to the next level by adding Intercom as a Source to Segment. Segment automatically collects objects like Users and Conversations and load them into your data warehouse. 

Getting Started

  1. From your workspace’s /sources page, click add source.

  2. Choose Intercom and press connect.

  3. OAuth into Intercom Screenshot of the Connect to Intercom screen in the Intercom setup flow.

  4. Segment verifies the required permissions Screenshot of the Permissions Verified screen in the Intercom setup flow.

  5. Configure the name for the Intercom schema in your warehouse Screenshot of the SQL Schema Name screen in the Intercom setup flow.

  6. Add a warehouse or connect Intercom to an already existing warehouse in your workspace Screenshot of the Add Warehouse screen in the Intercom setup flow.

Segment begins to sync your Intercom data into Segment, and writes it to your warehouse at your next Warehouse run.



The Intercom source has a sync component, which means Segment make requests to their API on your behalf on a 3 hour interval to pull all historical data into Segment. In the initial sync, Segment grabs all the Intercom objects (and their corresponding properties) according to the collections table below. The objects will be written into a designated schema corresponding to the source instance’s schema name you designated upon creation. For example, if you went with intercom_prod, the users collection will be accessible at intercom_prod.users in SQL.

The sync component uses an upsert API, so the data in your warehouse loaded using sync will reflect the latest state of the corresponding resource in Intercom. For example, if the users.last_seen_ip will be the latest value upon each sync.

The source syncs and warehouse syncs are independent processes. Source runs pull your data into the Segment Hub, and warehouse runs flush that data to your warehouse. Sources will sync with Segment every 3 hours. Depending on your Warehouses plan, Segment pushes the Source data to your warehouse on the interval associated with your billing plan.


Collections are the groupings of resources Segment pulls from your source. In your warehouse, each collection gets its own table.

Collection Type Description
users Object The Users resource is the primary way of interacting with Intercom. You can create, update and delete your users, and add custom attributes describing them. Users can be viewed individually or as a list, and can queried using tags or segments. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
companies Object Companies allow you to represent commercial organizations using your product. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
contacts Object Leads (previously known as Contacts) are useful for representing logged-out users of your application For more info, check out the Intercom docs
segments Object A segment is a group of your users defined by rules that you set For more info, check out the Intercom docs
tags Object A tag allows you to label your users and companies and list them using that tag. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
conversations Object Conversation are how you can communicate with users in Intercom. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
admins Object Admins are how you can view your teams and team members. For more info, check out the Intercom docs
social_profiles Object Social data about the user For more info, check out the Intercom docs
conversation_parts Object A conversation part describes an element of the conversation. For more info, check out the Intercom docs

Collection Properties


Property Name Description
id The Intercom defined id representing the user
user_id The user id you have defined for the user. (Max limit of 255 UTF-8 characters, and should not have trailing or leading spaces)
anonymous Whether or not this is a Lead. Always false (read only)
avatar An avatar object for the user
companies A list of companies for the user
email The email you have defined for the user (Max limit of 255 UTF-8 characters, and should not have trailing or leading spaces)
phone The phone number of the user
created_at The time (in seconds) the user was added to Intercom
remote_created_at The time the user was created by you
updated_at The last time the user was updated
signed_up_at The time (in seconds) the user signed up
last_request_at The time the user last recorded making a request
session_count How many sessions the user has recorded (read only)
unsubscribed_from_emails Whether the user is unsubscribed from emails
location_data A Location Object relating to the user. To update location data send in a value for last_seen_ip and the IP will be used to populate location data
name The full name of the user
segments A list of segments associated with the user
tags A list of tags associated with the user
last_seen_ip An ip address (e.g. “”) representing the last ip address the user visited your application from. (Used for updating location_data)
user_agent_data Data about the last user agent the user was seen using. To update this value use last\_seen\_user\_agent
custom_attributes The custom attributes you have set on the user (case sensitive)


Property Name Description
id The Intercom defined id representing the company
company_id The company id you have defined for the company
created_at The time the company was added to Intercom
remote_created_at The time the company was created by you
updated_at The last time the company was updated
last_request_at The time the company last recorded making a request
name The name of the company
custom_attributes The custom attributes you have set on the company
session_count How many sessions the company has recorded
monthly_spend How much revenue the company generates for your business
user_count The number of users in the company
plan The name of the plan you have associated with the company


Property Name Description
id The Intercom defined id representing the Lead
created_at The time the Lead was added to Intercom
updated_at The last time the Lead was updated
user_id The user id you have defined for the user. (Max limit of 255 UTF-8 characters, and should not have trailing or leading spaces)
last_request_at The time the Lead last recorded making a request
name The name of the Lead
email The email you have defined for the user (Max limit of 255 UTF-8 characters, and should not have trailing or leading spaces)
phone The phone number of the user
custom_attributes The custom attributes you have set on the Lead
unsuscribed_from_emails Whether the Lead is unsubscribed from emails
location_data A Location Object relating to the Lead. To update location_data use last_seen_ip which will be translated to the appropriate location_data
last_seen_ip An ip address (e.g. “”) representing the last ip address the user visited your application from. (Used for updating location_data)
user_agent_data Data about the last user agent the user was seen using. To update this value use last\_seen\_user\_agent
companies A list of companies for the user
avatar An avatar object for the Lead


Property Name Description
id The Intercom defined id representing the segment
name The name of the segment
created_at The time the segment was created
updated_at The time the segment was updated
person_type Type of the record: user or lead
count The number of items in the user segment. It’s returned when include_count=true is included in the request


Property Name Description
id The id of the tag
name The name of the tag


Property Name Description
id The id representing the conversation
created_at The time the conversation was created
updated_at The last time the conversation was updated
message The message that started the conversation rendered for presentation
assignee The admin the conversation is currently assigned to. Note nobody_admin indicates the conversation is assigned to Nobody
open Indicates whether a conversation is open (true) or closed (false)
read Indicates whether a conversation has been read
total_count The number of conversation parts in this conversation
tags A list of tags associated with the conversation


Property Name Description
id The id of the admin or team
name The name of the admin or team
email The email address of the admin. This attribute is null for teams.
type A string that represents the object’s type. Has the value Admin

Social Profiles

Property Name Description
id Optional. User ID on the service
name The name of the service (for example, twitter, facebook)
url The user homepage on the service
username User name or handle on the service

Conversation Parts

Property Name Description
id The id representing the conversation part
assigned_to The id of the admin that the conversation is assigned to (not null only when part_type: assignment )
author The user or admin that created the part
body The html encoded body of the comment
created_at The time the conversation part was created
notified_at The time the user was notified with the conversation part
part_type The type of conversation part
updated_at The last time the conversation part was updated

Adding Destinations

Currently, Warehouses are the only supported destination for object-cloud sources.

This page was last modified: 27 Oct 2023

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