Candu Source

Source Info
  • The Candu Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

This source is supported in US data processing regions.

The Candu source is only supported in workspaces configured to process data in the US region. Workspaces configured with data processing regions outside of the US cannot connect to this source. For more information, see Regional Segment.

Candu is the first UI editor for enterprise applications that allows you to drag and drop your own UI components to build product experiences — no coding required.

Candu’s Source integration automatically returns user interaction data to Segment, where you can join it with production data. This allows you to understand how a user’s interactions with Candu content drive downstream behaviors, such as feature adoption and renewal.

This source is maintained by Candu. For any issues with the source, contact the Candu support team.

Good to know: This page is about the Candu Segment source, which sends data into Segment. There’s also a page about the Candu Segment destination, which receives data from Segment!

Getting Started

  1. From the Sources catalog page in your workspace click Add Source.
  2. Search for “Candu” in the Sources Catalog and click on the Candu tile. Click Add source.
  3. Give the Source a label or nickname and follow the set up flow to “Add Source”.

    The nickname can be whatever you like, but we recommend sticking to something that reflects the source itself and distinguishes amongst your environments (e.g., Candu_Prod, Candu_Staging, Candu_Dev).The nickname is used to designate the source in the Segment app, and Segment creates a schema using this name. The schema name is the namespace you query against if you want to see this data in your warehouse.

  4. Copy the Write key from the Segment UI and log in to your Candu account - navigate to Settings > Integrations > Segment Source and paste the key to connect.

Congratulations! The integration is up and running!


Below is a list of events Candu sends to Segment

Collection Type Description
tutorial.view Event Fires when a user sees content (screen event)
tutorial.interaction Event Fires when a user clicks an element (track event)

Event properties

The tables below list the properties included in the events listed above.


Property Type Description
tutorialId Integer ID of the Tutorial the user viewed
segmentId String ID of the user segment
portalId Integer ID of the portal the user accessed
versionId String ID of the user


Property Type Description
tutorialId Integer ID of the Tutorial the user viewed
segmentId String ID of the user segment
portalId Integer ID of the portal the user accessed
versionId String ID of the version
eventName String The type of interaction being tracked

Adding Destinations

The Candu Source works best when you also connect Candu as a Destination. With the Candu Destination, you can use Segment to send Candu user and event data, which you can use to personalize product experiences for different users.

If you experience issues with how Candu events arrive to Segment, contact the Candu support team.

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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