Bluedot Source

Source Info
  • The Bluedot Source is an Event Cloud source. This means that it sends data as events, which are behaviors or occurrences tied to a user and a point in time. Data from these sources can be loaded into your Segment warehouses, and also sent to Segment streaming destinations. Learn more about cloud sources.

Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Bluedot is a location platform that provides an accurate and simple geofencing platform for apps. After integrating the Bluedot SDK and setting geofences, customer’s can create personalised location-based experiences for their users.

Bluedot provides self-serve predictive analytics for growth marketers, using machine learning to automate audience insights and recommendations.

This is an Event Cloud Source which can not only export data into your Segment warehouse, but can also federate the exported data into your other enabled Segment Destinations.

This source is maintained by Bluedot. For any issues with the source, contact Bluedot’s Support team.

Getting started

  1. From your workspace’s Sources catalog page click Add Source.
  2. Search for Bluedot in the Sources Catalog, select Bluedot, and click Add Source.
  3. On the next screen, give the Source a name configure any other settings.

The name identifies this source within your workspace, and typically reflects the name of the application. The name can be anything, but Segment recommends that you use something that reflects the source itself and distinguishes amongst your environments (for example, SourceName_Prod, SourceName_Staging, or SourceName_Dev).

  1. Click Add Source to save your settings.
  2. Copy the Write key from the Segment UI and log in to Bluedot Canvas - navigate to Integrations > Select the Project you want link > Segment Integration and paste the key to connect.

Send events to Segment

To send events to Segment, include the userId in the Custom Event Metadata of the event. Make sure to name the property segment_userId.

For example:

"segment_userId": "<YOUR SEGMENT USER ID>"

The Custom Event Metadata is not persisted across SDK sessions. If the SDK is reset the Custom Event Metadata is cleared by the SDK. Segment suggests that you set the custom data every time the SDK is initiated in the app.


The table below lists events that Bluedot sends to Segment. These events appear as tables in your warehouse, and as regular events in other Destinations.

Event Name Description
Entry Geofence Device breaches a geofence.
Exit Geofence Device exits a geofence
Tempo ETA Update Tempo ETA update
Tempo Stop Tempo stops tracking ETA
Order Registered Wave register order
Customer On The Way (Web) Wave event type onTheWay
Customer Arrived (Web) Wave event type arrival
Custom Web Event: {event type} Wave custom event types. (for example, eventType: "pickedComplete").

Event properties

The table below list the properties included in the events listed above.


The following payload contains the properties for the following events:

  • Entry Geofence
  • Exit Geofence
Property Name Description
accountId The ID of the Bluedot Account that the project was associated with
appBuildVersion Current version of the App of the triggered event
customEventMetaData Custom information sent with triggered event
customerApplicationId Application ID of triggered event
sdkVersion SDK version of the application
altitude Altitude in metres if supplied by device sensors
altitudeAccuracy Accuracy of supplied altitude
bearing The direction of motion of the device at the time of trigger event, if available
horizontalAccuracy Accuracy in metres if supplied by device sensors
latitude Latitude of triggered event
longitude Longitude of triggered event
verticalAccuracy Accuracy in metres if supplied by device sensors
time Time of the event
submissionTime The time of event sent
receivedAt Time of event received in Bluedot’s backend
triggerChainId Unique ID for triggered event
eventTime The time of the trigger event
eventType type of triggered event
fenceId Only available if trigger caused by geofence or GeoLine
fenceName Only available if trigger caused by geofence or GeoLine
id The unique ID of the trigger
projectId The ID of the Bluedot project that the SDK was running against
sdkVersion The version of the Bluedot SDK
speed The speed of the device at the time of trigger event, if available
triggerId The chain ID of the trigger, which can be used to associate entry and exit events
zoneId The ID of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with
zoneName The name of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with
deviceType The type and model of device that triggered
os iOS or android
osVersion The version of the operating system on the device that triggered
installRef A randomly issued installation reference, not tied to any personally identifiable data (PID) on the user’s device.
notificationType Type of notification event from Bluedot (Entry/Exit/Tempo/Wave)
batteryLevel Battery level of device at the moment of the event
lastRuleUpdate Last time of the SDK updated the rules from Bluedot’s backend
locationPermission Location permissions granted to the App at the moment of the event
viewState State of the application (foreground/background)
destinationId Destination ID of zone
triggerEngine Geofencing engine that triggered event. It could be either triggered by Bluedot SDK or native.
ulid Event’s unique identifier in Bluedot’s systems
zoneInfo Information of the Bluedot Zone triggered
id The ID of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with
name The name of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with
distance Distance between entry and exit events (Only applies to exit events)
distanceRequired Minimum distance required from Bluedot zone to trigger exit event (Only applies to exit events)
dwellTime Amount of time between entry and exits events of a Bluedot zone (Only applies to exit events)


The following payload contains the properties for the following events:

  • Tempo ETA Update
  • Tempo Stop
Property Name Description
accountId The ID of the Bluedot Account that the project was associated with
appInfo.appBuildVersion Current version of the App of the triggered event
appInfo.customEventMetaData Custom information sent with triggered event
appInfo.customerApplicationId Application ID of triggered event
appInfo.sdkVersion SDK version of the application
deviceInfo.deviceType The type and model of device that triggered
deviceInfo.os iOS or android
deviceInfo.osVersion The version of the operating system on the device that triggered the event
eta User’s estimated time of arrival to the destination in seconds
etaDirection The direction of estimation – whether the device is more than or less than the number of seconds provided.

- greaterThan
- lessThan
installRef A randomly issued installation reference, not tied to any personally identifiable data (PID) on the user’s device.
notificationType This field denotes the type of notification being relayed from Bluedot’s servers to yours. For a Tempo event the type will be “tempo”.
projectId The ID of the Bluedot project that the SDK was running against
receivedAt Time of event received in Bluedot’s backend
submissionTime The time of event sent
triggerChainId Unique identifier that can be used to connect the ETA updates coming through for one set of start to finish.
triggerEvents.applicationState.batteryLevel Battery level of device at the moment of the event
triggerEvents.applicationState.lastRuleUpdate Last time of the SDK updated the rules from Bluedot’s backend
triggerEvents.applicationState.locationPermission Location permissions granted to the App at the moment of the event
triggerEvents.applicationState.viewState State of the application (foreground/background)
triggerEvents.destinationId The ID associated with the location the SDK is used to calculate the ETA
triggerEvents.eventTime The time of the trigger event
triggerEvents.eventType tempoUpdate o tempoStop
locations.altitude Altitude in metres if supplied by device sensors
locations.bearing The direction of motion of the device at the time of trigger event, if available
locations.horizontalAccuracy Accuracy in metres if supplied by device sensors
locations.latitude Latitude of triggered event
locations.longitude Longitude of triggered event
locations.speed The speed of the device at the time of trigger event, if available
locations.time Time of the event
locations.verticalAccuracy Accuracy in metres if supplied by device sensors
triggerEvents.triggerEngine Geofencing engine that triggered event. It could be either triggered by Bluedot SDK or native.
ulid Event’s unique identifier in Bluedot’s systems
zoneId The ID of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with
zoneName The name of the Bluedot Zone that the trigger was associated with


The following payload contains the properties for the following events:

  • Order Registered
  • Customer On The Way (Web)
  • Customer Arrived (Web)
  • Custom Web Event: {event type}
Property Name Description
event The event type associated with the event
accountId The ID of the Bluedot Account that the project was associated with
customEventMetaData Custom information sent with triggered event
eventType Type of triggered event
os iOS or Android
installRef A randomly issued installation reference, not tied to any personally identifiable data (PID) on the user’s device.
notificationId A randomly issued notification ID, not tied to any personally identifiable data (PID) on the user’s device.
notificationType Type of notification event from Bluedot (Entry/Exit/Tempo/Wave)
projectId The ID of the Bluedot project that the SDK was running against
receivedAt Time of event received in Bluedot’s backend
destinationId Destination ID of zone
eventTime The time of the trigger event

Add destinations

Now that your Source is configured, you can connect it with Destinations. Log into your downstream tools and check to see that your events appear as expected, and that they contain all of the properties you expect. If your events and properties don’t appear, check the Event Delivery tool, and refer to the Destination docs for each tool for troubleshooting. If there are any issues with how the events are arriving to Segment, contact the Bluedot support team.

This page was last modified: 21 Jul 2022

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