Angler AI (Actions) Destination

Destination Info
Partner Owned
  • This integration is partner owned. Please reach out to the partner's support for any issues.

Angler AI helps direct-to-consumer brands radically improve prospecting and customer lifetime value using the power of AI. Gain a full view of your customer base, deploy custom audiences with precision, and measure the true ROI of your campaigns.

This destination is maintained by Angler AI. For any issues with the destination, contact the Angler AI Support team.

Getting started

  1. From your workspace’s Destination catalog page search for “Angler AI”.
  2. Select Angler AI and click Add Destination.
  3. Select an existing Source to connect to Angler AI (Actions).
  4. Go to the Angler AI dashboard, find and copy the Workspace ID and Access Token. This information can also be provided by your Angler AI account manager.
  5. Return to the Segment app and enter the Workspace ID and Access Token in your Angler AI destination’s settings page.

Destination Settings

Setting Description
Authentication Token Required.

Your Angler AI API Authentication Token

Workspace ID Required.

Your Angler AI Workspace ID

Available Presets

Angler AI has the following presets:

Preset Name Trigger Default Action
Save Event - Product Added To Cart Event event = "Product Added"
Save Cart Event
Save Event - Checkout Shipping Info Submitted Event event = "Checkout Shipping Info Submitted"
Save Checkout Event
Save Event - Checkout Contact Info Submitted Event event = "Checkout Contact Info Submitted"
Save Checkout Event
Save Event - Product Viewed Event event = "Product Viewed"
Save Product Event
Save Event - Checkout Started Event event = "Checkout Started"
Save Checkout Event
Save Event - Checkout Payment Info Submitted Event event = "Payment Info Entered"
Save Checkout Event
Save Event - Product Removed From Cart Event event = "Product Removed"
Save Cart Event
Save Event - Checkout Completed Event event = "Order Completed"
Save Checkout Event
Save Event - Checkout Address Info Submitted Event event = "Checkout Address Info Submitted"
Save Checkout Event
Save User Event type = "identify"
Save User
Save Event - Form Submitted Event event = "Form Submitted"
Save Form Event
Save Event - Collection Viewed Event event = "Product List Viewed"
Save Collection Event
Save Event - Search Submitted Event event = "Products Searched"
Save Search Event
Save Event - Page Viewed Event type = "page"
Save Base Event
Save Event - Cart Viewed Event event = "Cart Viewed"
Save Base Event

Available Actions

Build your own Mappings. Combine supported triggers with the following Angler AI-supported actions:

Mapping limits per destination

Individual destination instances have support a maximum of 50 mappings.

Save Base Event

Send a base event that has the basic fields applicable to all events.

Save Base Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the event to track.

Save Form Event

Save a form event.

Save Form Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Form ID Type: STRING

The id attribute of an element.

Form Action Type: STRING

The action attribute of a form element.

Form Elements Type: OBJECT

A list of elements associated with the form.

Form Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Form Event to track.

Save Collection Event

Save a collection event.

Save Collection Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Collection Type: OBJECT

Collection details

Collection Product Variants Type: OBJECT

A list of product variants associated with the collection.

Collection Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Collection Event to track.

Save Checkout Event

Save a checkout event.

Save Checkout Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Checkout Type: OBJECT

Checkout details

Checkout Line Items Type: OBJECT

Checkout Line Item details

Checkout Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Checkout Event to track.

Save Product Event

Save a product event.

Save Product Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Product Variant Type: OBJECT

Product Variant details

Product Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Product event to track.

Save Custom Event

Save a custom event that may have any fields.

Save Custom Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Cart Line Type: OBJECT

Cart Line details

Checkout Type: OBJECT

Checkout details

Checkout Line Items Type: OBJECT

Checkout Line Item details

Collection Type: OBJECT

Collection details

Collection Product Variants Type: OBJECT

A list of product variants associated with the collection.

Form ID Type: STRING

The id attribute of an element.

Form Action Type: STRING

The action attribute of a form element.

Form Elements Type: OBJECT

A list of elements associated with the form.

Product Variant Type: OBJECT

Product Variant details

Search Results Type: OBJECT

Search results details

Search Query Type: STRING

The search query that was executed.

Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the event to track.

Custom Event Name Type: STRING

Additional name for custom events if ‘event_name’ is ‘custom_event’.

Save Order

Send an order to Angler. Use this Mapping for transactions which may not originate from the browser. E.g. recurring subscriptions.

Save Order is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Billing Address Type: OBJECT

The mailing address associated with the payment method.

Browser IP Type: STRING

The IP address of the browser used by the customer when they placed the order. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

Buyer Accepts Marketing Type: BOOLEAN

Whether the customer consented to receive email updates from the shop.

Checkout ID Type: STRING

The ID of the checkout.

Client Details Type: OBJECT

Information about the browser that the customer used when they placed their order.

Confirmed Type: BOOLEAN


Contact Email Type: STRING

Contact Email

Created At Type: STRING

The autogenerated date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was created.

Currency Type: STRING

The three-letter code (ISO 4217 format) for the currency that the customer used when they paid for their last order.

Current Subtotal Price Type: STRING

The current subtotal price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.

Current Total Discounts Type: STRING

The current total discounts on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.

Current Total Price Type: STRING

The current total price of the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.

Current Total Tax Type: STRING

The current total taxes charged on the order in the shop currency. The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, or refunds.

Customer ID Type: STRING

A unique identifier for the customer.

Discount Applications Type: OBJECT

An ordered list of stacked discount applications. The discount_applications property includes 3 types: discount_code, manual, and script. All 3 types share a common structure and have some type specific attributes.

Discount Codes Type: OBJECT

A list of discounts applied to the order.

Email Type: STRING

The customer’s email address.

Estimated Taxes Type: BOOLEAN

Whether taxes on the order are estimated. Many factors can change between the time a customer places an order and the time the order is shipped, which could affect the calculation of taxes.

Financial Status Type: STRING

The status of payments associated with the order.

Fulfillment Status Type: STRING

The order’s status in terms of fulfilled line items.

Gateway Type: STRING

The payment gateway used.


The ID of the order, used for API purposes.

Landing Site Type: STRING

The URL for the page where the buyer landed when they entered the shop.

Landing Site Ref Type: STRING

Landing Site Ref

Name Type: STRING

The order name.

Order Number Type: INTEGER

The order position in the shop count of orders starting at 1001. Order numbers are sequential and start at 1001.

Phone Type: STRING

The customer’s phone number for receiving SMS notifications.

Processed At Type: STRING

The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when an order was processed.

Processing Method Type: STRING

How the payment was processed.

Reference Type: STRING


Referring Site Type: STRING

The website where the customer clicked a link to the shop.

Shipping Address Type: OBJECT

The mailing address associated with the payment method.

Source Identifier Type: STRING

The ID of the order placed on the originating platform.

Source Name Type: STRING

The source of the checkout.

Source URL Type: STRING

A valid URL to the original order on the originating surface.

Subtotal Price Type: STRING

The price of the order in the shop currency after discounts but before shipping, duties, taxes, and tips.

Tags Type: STRING

Tags attached to the order, formatted as a string of comma-separated values. Tags are additional short descriptors, commonly used for filtering and searching. Each individual tag is limited to 40 characters in length.

Taxes Included Type: BOOLEAN

Whether taxes are included in the order subtotal.

Total Discounts Type: STRING

The total discounts applied to the price of the order in the shop currency.

Total Line Items Price Type: STRING

The sum of all line item prices in the shop currency.

Total Outstanding Type: STRING

The total outstanding amount of the order in the shop currency.

Total Price Type: STRING

The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency. Must be positive.

Total Price USD Type: STRING

The sum of all line item prices, discounts, shipping, taxes, and tips in the shop currency in USD

Total Tax Type: STRING

The sum of all the taxes applied to the order in the shop currency. Must be positive.

User ID Type: STRING

The ID of the user logged into Shopify POS who processed the order, if applicable.

Updated At Type: STRING

The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the order was last modified.

Additional Fields Type: OBJECT

Extra properties.

Save User

Send a customer to Angler.

Save User is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
User Type: OBJECT

The user object.

Addresses Type: OBJECT

A list of the ten most recently updated addresses for the customer.

Default Address Type: OBJECT

The mailing address associated with the payment method.

Email Marketing Consent Type: OBJECT

The marketing consent information when the customer consented to receiving marketing material by email.

Metafield Type: OBJECT

Attaches additional metadata to a shop’s resources.

SMS Marketing Consent Type: OBJECT

The marketing consent information when the customer consented to receiving marketing material by SMS.

Save Search Event

Save a search event.

Save Search Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Type: OBJECT

Cart details

Cart Line Items Type: OBJECT

Cart Line Item details

Search Results Type: OBJECT

Search results details

Search Query Type: STRING

The search query that was executed.

Search Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Search event to track.

Save Cart Event

Save a cart event.

Save Cart Event is a Cloud action.

Click to show / hide fields

Field Description
Event ID* Type: STRING

A unique event identifier.

IP Address Type: STRING

The IP address of the user.

User Agent Type: STRING

The user agent of the device sending the event.

Timestamp Type: STRING

The timestamp when the event was triggered.

Identifiers* Type: OBJECT

Identifiers for the user

Page Type: OBJECT

Page details to send with the event

Custom Attributes Type: OBJECT

Custom attributes for the event. Data should be specified as key:value pairs

Customer Type: OBJECT

Customer details

Cart Line Type: OBJECT

Cart Line details

Cart Event Name* Type: STRING

The name of the Cart Event to track.

Event Mappings

A default list of event mappings are applied when you add the destination to your workspace. You might need to modify the default mappings, depending on the event schema in your Segment workspace. Please refer the Angler AI Documentation for details about the events that you can send to Angler AI.


You can send computed traits and audiences generated using Engage to this destination as a user property. To learn more about Engage, schedule a demo.

For user-property destinations, an identify call is sent to the destination for each user being added and removed. The property name is the snake_cased version of the audience name, with a true/false value to indicate membership. For example, when a user first completes an order in the last 30 days, Engage sends an Identify call with the property order_completed_last_30days: true. When the user no longer satisfies this condition (for example, it’s been more than 30 days since their last order), Engage sets that value to false.

When you first create an audience, Engage sends an Identify call for every user in that audience. Later audience syncs only send updates for users whose membership has changed since the last sync.

Real-time to batch destination sync frequency

Real-time audience syncs to Angler AI (Actions) may take six or more hours for the initial sync to complete. Upon completion, a sync frequency of two to three hours is expected.


Segment lets you change these destination settings from the Segment app without having to touch any code.

Setting Description
Authentication Token
password. Your Angler AI API Authentication Token
Workspace ID
string. Your Angler AI Workspace ID

This page was last modified: 07 Aug 2024

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